Plate tectonics pdf worksheet on directions

Plate tectonics theory, diagrams, boundaries geology. Earths lithosphere is broken into separate sections called plates. Tectonics plates map worsksheet leon county schools. Plate tectonics the resources above cover the following skills. What type of plate boundary is the san andreas fault. The structure of the earth, plate tectonics and landforms. Each type of interaction causes a characteristic set of earth structures or tectonic features. Plate tectonics foldable plate tectonics, science classroom. Kiss resources for the australian curriculum science inspection copyfor schools only topic 17. The theory of plate tectonics key concepts what is the theory of plate tectonics. What is a weak spot in the earths crust where magma comes to the surface of the earth. Lithospheric plates float on top of the asthenosphere. Plates are composed of the crust and a part of the upper mantle, these two parts together are called the lithosphere. This tectonic plates worksheet is designed to help students discover all of the useful information contained on the map, from plate boundaries to latitude and longitude locations.

What are four pieces of evidence for continental drift. This movement is the cause of many earthquakes, such as those along the san andreas fault in california. Tectonic plates map worksheet keep this sheet so you may. The plates constantly move at a slow pace in different directions. Earths crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called a. Over time the continents moved to their present day locations. Plate tectonics the earths crust is divided into plates which are moved in various directions. Key concepts include e changes in earths crust due to plate tectonics. Students may need help converting rate and slope from kmmillions of years to cmyear. In this exercise, the students will examine the pattern of earthquakes and volcanoes at occur in the atlantic ocean.

Plate tectonics the earths crust is divided into 12 major plates which are moved in various directions. What type of plate boundary lies on the west coast of south america. Then label each part with the letter ofthe correct description below. Place a spoonful of frosting on the wax paper for each pair of students. Follow the directions on your worksheet to compelte the foldable. The earth surface has continuously been changing ever since it was formed, especially regarding the geomorphological and geological phenomena. Notes on plate tectonics plate tectonics states that the earths crust and upper mantle are broken into sections, called plates. Browse plate tectonics map resources on teachers pay teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Using the key above, at what type of plate boundary do plates move away from. In this exercise, the students will examine the pattern of earthquakes and. Answer relevant discussion questions on worksheet procedure print the appropriate maps see materials for use. This plate motion causes them to collide, pull apart, or scrape against each other.

Plate tectonics chapter 4 notes leon county schools. Plate tectonics underlined words and phrases are to be filled in by students on the notetaking worksheet. Click on the box shown to the left, then use that page to fill in the information to the right. Plate tectonics is the surface manifestation of mantle convection, but the large contrast in viscosities between the lithosphere and the deeper mantle leads to departures from a simple boiling pot. The pattern of occurrence of these events is one of the key pieces of evidence for plate tectonics. We live on a layer of earth known as the lithosphere which is a collection of rigid slabs that are shifting and sliding into each other. Types of plate boundaries map identification activity directions. The continental drift hypothesiscontinents have moved slowly to their current locations 1. The theory of plate tectonics explains the relative movement of crustal plates that are juxtaposed with each other to form an interlocking pattern of plate boundaries, oceanic trenches, mountain ranges, etc.

Students or groups will then use the types of plate boundaries map identification directions and the map key to label the various types of plate boundaries on the map. The table tectonics activity found in unit 4 of this teachers manual. Tectonic plates map worksheet the tectonic plates map below is a valuable source of information to help you on the earth science regents exam. It may be hard to believe, but the land beneath your feet is moving. Students should be familiar with the movement of convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries. The collision between two pieces of continental crust at a convergent boundary produces a mountain range. Plate tectonics articles, theory, plate diagrams, maps, teaching ideas. The earths plates move in different directions plates behave differently at different plate boundaries. There are three different kinds of boundaries, which are defined by how the plates were formed and how. Generally, the depth of an earthquake is related to the type of tectonic boundary in which it occurs. Convergent and divergent boundaries, and student worksheets plate boundary researchersgraphic organizer, and plate movement, one per student. Earthquakes and volcanoes are most likely to occur either on or near plate boundaries. Teaching plate tectonics with easytodraw illustrations is fun and effective. The plates interact with one another as a result of plate motion.

Complete the plate tectonics and convection practice questions on quia. The earth is composed of layers of different composition and physical properties, principally the solid central core, the fluid peripheral core, the viscous mantle, and the solid. In this activity, you will study the map on the tectonics motions of the western united states poster to look for evidence of different types of crustal motion in the pacific northwest, basin and. Includes many maps for printing, and student worksheets. How do plates move relative to each other at convergent plate boundaries. The point where two plates meet is called a plate boundary. A theory proposed by alfred wegner that said all continents were once joined 300 million years ago in a single land mass called pangaea. Plate movement that produces stress in rock, which leads to a change in the rocks shape or. Describe some of the events and pieces of evidence that led to the theory of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics science worksheets and study guides sixth grade. Watch the animation and use the arrows to click forward and back.

A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions is a transform boundary. Students or groups will first lightly shade in each tectonic plate using different colors if possible for each plate. The events that occur at these boundaries are linked to the types of plates oceanic or. The plate tectonics mapping activity allows students to. Tectonics plate boundaries worksheet for when studying plate tectonics. These tectonic plate maps are a great tool to challenge students map reading and critical thinking skills. Plate boundaries worksheet this is on the back of your layers of the earth worksheet.

The lithosphere lithosphere is comprised of the upper mantle and the crust, the outer shell of the earth. Students will use scientific skills and processes to explain the chemical and physical interactions i. Section 3 theory of plate directed reading for content mastery tectonics directions. Tectonic plates map worksheet keep this sheet so you may study for your test. In the blank at the left, write the letter ofthe term that best completes the sentence. If you like this resource, please consider my plate tectonics quiz and answer key to assess your studens to see what th. All continents were once connected as one large landmass now called pangaea. Create a timeline of the events leading to the theory of plate tectonics. Plate movement that produces stress in rock, which leads to a change in the rocks shape or volume is called deformation. Subduction processes during plate convergence result in the formation of volcanoes.

Please identify the webpage address or url and the specific problems you have encountered and we will address the issue. The layer below the lithosphere is the asthenosphere. What plate do residents of tallahassee florida live on. These slabs are called tectonic plates and fit together like pieces to a puzzle. Teaching tectonics teaching plate tectonics with easytodraw illustrations is fun and effective. The lithosphere lithosphere is comprised of the upper mantle and the. Plate tectonics semantic chart transform divergent continentalcontinental divergent oceanicoceanic convergent continentalcontinental convergent continentaloceanic convergent oceanicoceanic plates slide past one another moving in opposite directions subduction occurs forms. Types of plate boundaries map identification activity. Use page 5 of the esrts to answer the following questions.

We are in unit of layers of learning and todays science lesson was on plate tectonics. Recognize and explain how major geologic events are a result of the movement of earths crustal plates. Plate tectonics science worksheets and study guides sixth. Recognize and describe the internal and external structure of the earth. This worksheet helps students understanding of plate tectonics and how plates interact with. The theory of plate tectonics grew out of earlier hypotheses. Plate boundaries are marked by numerous volcanoes and earthquakes. Use this easy to grade plate tectonics map activity when you are teaching plate tectonics unit. The plate tectonics worksheet inspirationa plate tectonics earth from plate tectonics worksheet, source informal together with formal feedback sessions help do away. Plates move apart at divergent plate boundaries such as the. Links the types of plate boundaries to the results of movement on those boundaries.

Summer 2010 participants recommended deleting some level 1 questions when the unit is implemented at level 3. The collision of one continental plate with another may produce a. We do science once a week, usually on tuesday or wednesday. Students need to highlight 7 major states,mark different types of boundaries interactions using various colors, and color the continents and oceans. Plate tectonics map of the world, showing plates, boundaries, boundary types and more. Closely spaced earthquakes with a range of depths that deepen i. Explore tectonic motions of the western united states student worksheet are the tectonic plates still moving. Propelled by intense heat simmering beneath the crust or the propelled by intense heat simmering beneath the crust or the mantle, earths surface is dramatically reshaping itself in an endless, slow motion movement called plate tectonics. All you have to do is click the lesson the movie will show up on your browser and you would like to study. Plate tectonics are an integral part of earth science and this 2 week unit including flippables foldables, exit tickets, mini quizzes, a minilab and a final assessment will be just perfect for you to use in your plate tectonics unit. As you read each paragraph, take notes about the key ideas in the. The surface of the earth is not solid, as you might think.

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